Thursday 27 November 2014

Final week of the Year

On Saturday it was great to welcome Michael back...I even cooked for him. Something I haven't done a lot of since I have been here. He had returned in time to come along for drinks at Penny Black, where our intake had experienced our first drinks in Singapore nearly 2 years ago. Unfortunately a number of our group could not attend due to other commitments so there were only 8 of the original 13 there. After their happy hour ended some of us headed over to Sque bar where Michael was welcomed with open arms...he had been missed!

Monday saw a relatively large group turn up for the last walk of the year, except for the trekkers, from Bishan to Angmo Kio. As we walked through Bishan Park we passed an advertisment being made and the young woman in the blue singlet was on her way to tell me "no Photos".

After the walk it was home for a clean up and a short Nana nap before we headed over to Holland Village for the Punggol staff dinner. It had taken a good deal of research to find a suitable venue as we had to have vegetarian, halal, less than $50 and sell alcohol (usually not available in conjunction with halal). Thanks to Eric the venue fitted all the criteia as well as providing delicious food. We are losing 3 staff members from Punggol Branch as they move on to the next chapters of their lives.

In their wisdom someone had organised a boys night out on Tuesday so Libby and I decided we weren't going to sit at home. We were joined by Bev, Jo and Kym and we revisited the places I had been last Kinkis, Lau Pasat and Level 33.

The last working week of our year began on Wednesday, at about the same time as I began to fight a head cold! I thought I had beaten it but it wouldn't go away and 2 nights out over the weekend saw me at the doctors on Monday collecting medications.On Saturday night a small group gathered at Wine Mansions in Chinatown to celebrate Peter's time with MAE and to demonstrate our appreciation for his support and friendship over the years. It was a great night with many funny stories but it did mean there were a few sore heads, and throats, for our last day at work. Someone, who shall remain nameless, but did not have to work, finally dragged himself out of bed at 4pm!
On Sunday it was a gathering at Sque Bar to celebrate the end of term and to farewell some of the large number of colleagues who are leaving our shores. By 8.30 I was flagging and we called it quits early.
We are now packed and ready for our morning flight, so my next post should be from Morocco




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