Thursday 13 November 2014

Wedding Bells

On Thursday night I was very touched to receive some flowers and chocolates from the mum of one of my students who was withdrawing to have some one-to-one tuition. He is an unusual boy and she was very thankful for my patience with him!
After work on Thursday night I went to Kovan to have dinner with friends who had agreed to help me fill in time before I caught my 1.45am flight to Sydney. Peter passed on the terrific news that our colleague June was leaving hospital on Friday and the doctors were optimistic that the likelihood of further occurrences were minimal. Great news to finish my working week! My flight was quite comfortable as I had 2 seats to myself and Michael was waiting for me at the airport.
As I flew over Sydney I reflected on the contrast between the aerial view over Sydney and clear the sky was and blobs of purple everywhere with the jacarandas in full bloom.
There are some things you don't even realise you miss!
We were in Sydney for the wedding of Michael's niece, Erin and it was like a fairytale...the weather was perfect and the setting idyllic. We also celebrated Michael's birthday on the same day with Richard giving him a card wishing him a happy 60th!!!

I managed to get in a bit of trouble finding things that fit in Australia and we couldn't help but compare the service in Australia with is soooo much better in Australia. Another thing that stood out was the enormous size of meal portions...not surprising there is talk of an obesity epidemic.
On Monday it was back to the airport for my return flight on which I had the entire central row to myself, 4 seats. I offerred to share with a young man who looked particularly uncomfortable crammed in with 2 old people but I still had plenty of room.
After a good sleep-in it was up for a swim and then Kathy and I spent the afternoon putting bookshelves together before heading off to see "Girl Gone"...very interesting movie but she was one scary girl!

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