Tuesday 10 March 2015

Chingay Festival

On Saturday night after work there was a rush into town to watch the Chingay Parade. Even one of our Punggol staff thought this was a Mardi Gras style event, and with the colour and noise one could be excused for thinking along those lines. In fact Chingay began in 1973 as a neighbourhood parade with only Chinese elements to celebrate Chinese New Year. Over the years since it has grown in to an event involving 14 countries, 17 international troupes and 11,000 performers. Thanks to Bev we had front row seats in the stand so we didn't miss anything. This years theme was We Love Singapore and there was a point where I felt we were participating in a Nazi rally, but it was very exciting, colourful and noisy!
Show began with a Sea of 'We Love Singapore' flowers made from plastic bags.

Arriving at Pit Straight with Marina Bay Sands in the background

Celebrating Singapore as an Eco city!
Indian float

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