Thursday, 20 August 2015

An Interesting Walk

Monday's walk was to be a straightforward, pleasant meander through the Botanic Gardens then on to Dempsey Hill where we could have a look at the Museum of Contemporary Art...and so it was.
It seems that every time we walk in the Gardens I see something I haven't seen before. There are many different sculptures, with my favourites being the ones with kids, doing 'kid' things. 
After leaving the Gardens we passed beside an undeveloped area, which apparently belongs to the Sultan of Johore. Within the grounds is an old Istana called Woodneuk house. The mansion was subject to the bombing of the Japanese in 1942, killing approximately 700 medics and patients, and was ferociously attacked by a fire circa 2006 which burned down its glorious blue roof. June had explored the area earlier in the year and so we decide to have a look for ourselves. Unfortunately this time we were unable to locate the structure but we had 'fun'looking for it. 
Looking for Woodneuk!  Great to see James visiting from Japan.
By the time we returned to civilisation 2 of our party had had enough and left, the rest of us continued on to Dempsey Hill. 
The Museum of Contemporary Art had an exhibition of 10 contemporary Chinese artists. There were a number of sculptures in the gardens by Jiang Shuo. Her trademark pokes a bit of fun at the unquestioning devotion of the Chinese to Maoism.

As we made our way back to the Botanic Gardens we chanced upon a Community Garden that has a cafe, restaurant, more sculptures and bowling lawn. It looks like a place we could revisit when we are more suitably attired and feeling hungry.
 We made our way back to the eating area in the Botanic Gardens for a tasty, if restricted lunch, as the menu was limited by the fact that they were closing on Tuesday for renovations.
Singapore wildlife, White crested laughingthrush
I dropped in to Serangoon on my way home to have my new spectacles adjusted and ran in to Robert and Maria, so i joined them for a coffee. In the evening I met them at Hougang for a hawkers meal before an early night.

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