Sunday 14 February 2016


After a midnight arrival and a peruse of the duty free we were pleased to see a smiling Janie to greet us and then settled in for a nightcap (or two) before bed. It was great to see the villa was as good as we remembered, and even better in some ways, as this time both the wifi and upstairs showers worked well.
Monday morning was a slow start with Kim very kindly cooking scrambled eggs for all of us before we headed off to Hardy's to stock the pantry. On our return we created a couple of bottles of sangria for later on and the rest of the day was spent doing very little, napping, reading, swimming etc. The resident bat from our last visit had moved on to be replaced by grasshoppers! The baby who was just 2 weeks old on our last visit is growing in to a happy smiling little girl.

 Once again Fatma cooked us an evening meal of fish, chicken and vegetables for the princely sum of $5/head. The evening was spent listening to favourite songs and having discussions about music which resulted in us each having to compile our favourites under a number of headings. Eric plans to make a "Bali" playlist for us to share. 
At 6 the next morning I doubted that we would get our bird walk in as the rain was falling heavily, but by the time we were ready to leave it had stopped although the sky was still overcast. After a bit of a mix-up over our destination, requiring a trip back to the villa to get Fatma to translate, we had a very pleasant couple of hours at the Water Treatment plant. We are now aware of the confusion caused by calling it a 'lagoon', sounded like Legian. Luckily Libby realised we were going the wrong way before we had gone too far. 
Once again we saw the small blue kingfisher, scarlet headed flowerpecker, pied triller, munia and a large number of water birds. A first sighting for me was the tanimbar corella, a near-threatened species, and one that was not supposed to be in Bali but I guess he didn't see passport control!
tanimbar corella, scarlet headed flowerpecker, scaly-breasted munia(nutmeg mannikin) pied cormorants
Water treatment works, platter for two at Bumbu Bali
After another afternoon much like Monday ie lazy, we went to Bumbu Bali, the traditional Balinese restaurant we visited last year. Again they provided us with an amazing amount of tasty food for a very reasonable price. By the time we got home everyone was lethargic so it was not a late night as we had an early start in the morning.

As we were in the taxi on the way home in Singapore we found out that Travis and Jaime had had a spill from their scooter in Phuket, but apart from some missing skin they were, thankfully, ok. Jaime managed to make it to work, walking a bit stiffly but Travis was feeling a bit worse for wear so had a couple of days off.
In my absence the condo had received the finishing touches for Chinese New year and my neighbour had up-dated her door decorations from Xmas to CNY, but bizarrely the Halloween decorations remain!

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